Password Help

Password Help

If you require assistance with a forgotten password or are locked out of your account, you can contact the Technology Support Center during regular business hours below.
Monday thru Thursday: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am to 4:30pm
Phone: 815-768-8324

If you require assistance outside of regular business hours from the TSC, you may call USF Security at 815-740-3200 and request that an IT support person contact you.

To enable your ability to reset passwords and/or unlock your account via our automated process, you must go into your contact info in the MyUSF portal and specify a home or personal email account. If this has been completed, you can reset your password HERE.

Important Note:
Nearly all USF system’s use single sign on (SSO), meaning you have one password for everything. If you reset your MyUSF portal password, this new password will also be used for your Microsoft (email) account, though it may take a few minutes to sync with that server.